
In Memory of Sammy

Dec. 11, 2005 to Apr. 24, 2006


Anonymous said...

This precious little kitty left an incredible, indelible impression on those who knew him. He brought such joy to his adoptive "parents," Joan and Joe. In fact, just a few days before his untimely passing, he was jumping from the floor onto the top of Joanie's head!!! How one tiny kitty could touch the lives of so many people in such a short time is one of God's miracles. May your joy follow you to wherever you are, Sammy. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

I am so saddened about Sammy; I think in retrospect something told everyone Sammy was not to be long in this world. I hope that the love that went to him can be directed some day to another little kitty in his memory. Being the noble little guy he was, he may have just stepped aside to give another kitty a chance in life.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Sammy - I feel as though I watched him grow up through pictures here. I guess he lives on in the pictures. Fran

Anonymous said...

Oh, my heart is breaking. Surely there is an animal heaven---I know there was one for Sammy on earth. I pray that the heaven he's in now is all that he deserves. Play, Sammy, play. The spirit of this innocent animal is so obviously pure and sweet, I am brought to tears by this photo.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you. The pain is hard to put into words. Sammy is in a wonderful place frolicking in everlasting gardens. I picture him running through fields with daffodils playing with plenty of other furbaby angels. Please know you are in my thoughts. Jenn